
Mi 48 passes to fa 24; fa 24 passes to sol 12; sol 12 passes to la 6. La 6 is the highest matter produced by the organism from air, that is, from the second kind of food. This however is obtained only by making a conscious effort at the moment an impression is received. “It is necessary to understand what this means. We all breathe the same air. Apart from the elements known to our science the air contains a great number of substances unknown to science, indefinable for it and inaccessible to its observation. But exact analysis is possible both of the air inhaled and of the air exhaled. This exact analysis shows that although the air inhaled by different people is exactly the same, the air exhaled is quite different. Let us suppose that the air we breathe is composed of twenty different elements unknown to our science. A certain number of these elements are absorbed by every man when he BREATHES. Let us suppose that five of these elements are always absorbed. Consequently the air exhaled by every man is composed of fifteen elements; five of them have gone to feeding the organism. But some people exhale not fifteen but only ten elements, that is to say, they absorb five elements more. These five elements are higher ‘hydrogens.’ These higher ‘hydrogens’ are present in every small particle of air ‘we inhale. By inhaling air we introduce these higher ‘hydrogens’ into ourselves, but if our organism does not know how to extract them out of the particles of air, and retain them, they are exhaled back into the air. If the organism is able to extract and retain them, they remain in it. In this way we all breathe the same air but we extract different substances from it. Some extract more, others less. Fragments: Nine

“Each cosmos is a living being which lives, BREATHES, thinks, feels, is born, and dies. Fragments: Ten

“These traits are the traits of being. The cosmic level of being of every living creature is determined: “First of all by what this creature eats, “Secondly by what he BREATHES, and “Thirdly by the medium in which it lives. “These are the three cosmic traits of being. Fragments: Sixteen

‘Take for instance man. He feeds on ‘hydrogen’ 768, BREATHES ‘hydrogen’ 192, and lives in ‘hydrogen’ 192. There is no other being like him on our planet. Although there are beings higher than he is. Animals such as the dog can feed on ‘hydrogen’ 768 but they can also feed on a lower ‘hydrogen’ not 768 but approaching 1536, food of a kind impossible for man. A bee feeds on a ‘hydrogen’ much higher than 768, even higher than 384, but it lives in a hive in an atmosphere where man could not live. From an outward point of view man is an animal. But he is an animal of a different order from all other animals. Fragments: Sixteen

“Let us take another example — a flour worm. It feeds on flour, a ‘hydrogen’ far coarser than ‘hydrogen’ 768 because the worm can also live on rotten flour. Let us say that this also is 1536. It BREATHES ‘hydrogen’ 192 and lives in ‘hydrogen’ 1536. Fragments: Sixteen

“A fish feeds on ‘hydrogen’ 1536, lives in ‘hydrogen’ 384, and BREATHES ‘hydrogen’ 192. Fragments: Sixteen

“A tree feeds on ‘hydrogen’ 1536, BREATHES only partly ‘hydrogen’ 192 and partly ‘hydrogen’ 96, and lives partly in ‘hydrogen’ 192 and partly in ‘hydrogen’ 3072 (soil). Fragments: Sixteen

“If these principles of classification and definition are understood in the right way, many things become clear and comprehensible. No living being can change its food at will, or the air it BREATHES, or the medium in which it lives. The cosmic order of each being determines its food as well as the air it BREATHES and the medium in which it lives. Fragments: Sixteen