density of matter

“From this point of view, then, the world consists of vibrations and matter, or of matter in a state of vibration, of vibrating matter. The rate of vibration is in inverse ratio to the DENSITY OF MATTER. Fragments: Five

“The expression ‘density of vibrations’ corresponds to ‘frequency of vibrations’ and is used as the opposite to ‘DENSITY OF MATTER,’ that is to say, the higher the ‘DENSITY OF MATTER’ the lower the ‘density ‘of vibrations,’ and, vice versa, the higher the ‘density of vibrations’ the lower the ‘DENSITY OF MATTER.’ The greatest ‘density of vibrations’ is to be found in the finest, the most rarefied, matter. And in the densest matter possible vibrations slow down and come almost to a stop. Therefore the finest matter cor­responds to the greatest ‘density of vibrations.’ Fragments: Nine

“The active force in the Absolute represents the maximum ‘density of vibrations,’ while the matter in which these vibrations proceed, that is, the first ‘carbon,’ represents the minimum DENSITY OF MATTER. Fragments: Nine

“In the order of the action of the forces they will stand in the succession 1, 2, 3, that is, corresponding to the matters ‘carbon,’ ‘oxygen,’ ‘nitrogen.’ But by DENSITY OF MATTER they will stand in the order: ‘carbon,’ ‘nitrogen,’ ‘oxygen,’ that is, 1, 3, 2, because ‘nitrogen’ by retaining the number 3, that is to say, by being the conductor of the neutralizing force, stands by its DENSITY OF MATTER between ‘carbon’ and ‘oxygen,’ and ‘oxygen’ appears as the densest of the three. Fragments: Nine

“So far,” he said, “we have looked upon the ‘table of hydrogens’ as a table of vibrations and of the densities of matter which are in an inverse proportion to them. We must now realize that the density of vibrations and the DENSITY OF MATTER express many other properties of matter. For instance, till now we have said nothing about the intelligence or the consciousness of matter. Meanwhile the speed of vibrations of a matter shows the degree of intelligence of the given matter. You must remember that there is nothing dead or inanimate in nature. Everything in its own way is alive, everything in its own way is intelligent and conscious. Only this consciousness and intelligence is expressed in a different way on different levels of being — that is, on different scales. But you must understand once and for all that nothing is dead or inanimate in nature, there are simply different degrees of animation and different scales. Fragments: Sixteen

“The ‘table of hydrogens,’ while serving to determine the DENSITY OF MATTER and the speed of vibrations, serves at the same time to determine the degree of intelligence and consciousness because the degree of consciousness corresponds to the degree of density or the speed or vibrations. This means that the denser the matter the less conscious it is, the less intelligent. And the denser the vibrations, the more conscious and the more intelligent the matter. Fragments: Sixteen

“In determining the degree of DENSITY OF MATTER the ‘table of hydrogens’ also determines by this the degree of intelligence. This means that in making comparisons between the matters which occupy different places in the ‘table of hydrogens,’ we determine not only their density but also their intelligence. And not only can we say how many times this or that ‘hydrogen’ is denser or lighter than another, but we can say how many times one ‘hydrogen’ is more intelligent than another. Fragments: Sixteen

“But, as I have already said, to determine the level of being by the ‘table of hydrogens’ it is usual to take the middle story. “With this as a point of departure it is possible for example to solve such problems: “Let us suppose Jesus Christ to be man number eight, how many times is Jesus Christ more intelligent than a table? “A table has no stories. It lies wholly between ‘hydrogen’ 1536 and ‘hydrogen’ 3072 according to the third scale of the ‘table of hydrogens.’ Man number eight is ‘hydrogen’ 6. This is the center of gravity of the middle story of man number eight. If we are able to calculate how many times ‘hydrogen’ 6 is more intelligent than ‘hydrogen’ 1536 we shall know how many times man number eight is more intelligent than a table. But, in this connection, it must be remembered that ‘intelligence’ is determined not by the DENSITY OF MATTER but by the density of vibrations. The density of vibrations, however, increases not by doubling as in the octaves of ‘hydrogens’ but in an entirely different progression which many times outnumbers the first. If you know the exact coefficient of this increase you will be in a position to solve this problem. I only want to show that, however strange it looks, the problem can be solved. Fragments: Sixteen