
B824 <=> B826 [BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 825]

“Through the Okhtatralnian-arisings there are transformed besides what I have mentioned, also those active elements which obtain their primary arisings from the substances transformed by the sun itself and the other planets of the given solar system.

“And through the arisings of the third class, namely, the Polormedekhtian, there are transformed besides the first two classes, also all those active elements which primarily arise from the transformations of the substances of various cosmic concentrations belonging to other ‘Solarsystems’ of our common Megalocosmos.

“The surplanetary flora-formation mentioned by me, named on your planet the plant Papaveroon, belongs to the class of Polormedekhtian-arisings and through it there evolves or involves, what is called, the ‘totality-of-the-results-of-the-transformation’ of all other cosmic ‘gravity-center-concentrations,’ which come into the atmosphere of this planet of yours through the common-cosmic process of what is called ‘ubiquitous-diffusion-of-the-radiations-of-all-kinds-of-cosmic-concentrations.’

“Well then, my boy, after these two great terrestrial learned beings Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel had more or less arranged the new place of their permanent existence in the then still quite young China they began to continue the intentional actualization in their common presences of being-Partkdolg-duty, interrupted through no fault of theirs, in the field of the profession chosen by them for their responsible existence, namely, ‘scientific-research’ in the branch called ‘medicine.’

“They then began to investigate that totality of cosmic substances which still before this your favorites had learned to obtain there from the mentioned Polormedekhtian plant, and which they named opium, which then denoted in the speech of the beings of that group ‘dream-maker.’

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