
Three-centered beings can acquire this said being-property called IKRILTAZKAKRA only if there is already personally acquired in their presences what is called ‘Essoaieritoorassnian-will’, which in its turn can be obtained thanks to always the same being-Partkdolg-duty, that is, to conscious labors and intentional sufferings. 2748 XXX

“They reproduced them well and accurately not only because as I have already explained they possessed the being-property IKRILTAZKAKRA, but also because the learned beings of the planet Earth of that time were very well aware of what is called the ‘law-of-typicality’, and that the three-brained beings of their planet are ultimately formed into twenty-seven different definite types, and also in which cases what had to be perceived and how it had to be perceived, and how they had to manifest themselves. 2752 XXX

“Concerning the said being-property I have just called IKRILTAZKAKRA, I must add further that just this property alone gives beings the possibility of restraining themselves within the limits of all these impulses and promptings which are evoked at any given moment in their common presences by the associations flowing in that brain in which they themselves have consciously given the start for the associations of one or another series of impressions already present in them; and it is only thanks to this property that beings have the possibility of perceiving every kind of detail of the psyche of the type they have already previously well studied and of manifesting themselves similarly to it and fully impersonating it. 2753 XXX