
B647 <=> B649 (BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 648)

“These unnecessary parts should be given off from the said ‘pores’ of the skin of beings by evaporating gradually by themselves, thanks to those factors which obtain from the process proceeding in that sphere itself where the given beings exist, as for instance, from the movement of the atmosphere, from accidental contacts and so on.

“Now, when your favorites invented the covering of themselves with what are called ‘clothes,’ then, since these clothes of theirs began to hinder the normal elimination or evaporation of those parts of the second being-food unnecessary for the planetary body, these unnecessary substances having no possibility of evaporating into space and at the same time always continuing to accumulate, they, condensing, begin to form in these various pores of their skin the accumulation of a certain ‘oily-something.’

“From that time on, among a number of other factors, this also began to aid in the formation on this ill-fated planet of innumerable and various illnesses which taken altogether are the chief cause of the gradual shortening of the length of the existence of these unfortunates.

“Well, my boy, when still in, as your contemporary favorites say, the ‘dim ancient past,’ a wise and learned being by name ‘Amambakhlootr,’ also from the continent Asia there, once clearly constated during his conscious observations of various facts proceeding around him, that this ‘oily-something’ which collects in the pores of the skin, has also a maleficent influence on the general functioning of the whole planetary body, he began to elucidate and seek means for wiping out at least this evil.