
B563 <=> B565 (BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 564)

“Well then . . . the mentioned particular property recently newly fixed in the common presences of your favorites is that the functioning of their mentioned Zoostat, or as they themselves would say, of their ‘spiritual part,’ passes into that functioning of their common whole which properly proceeds during their completely passive state, that is, during their ‘sleep,’ and during this sleep of theirs the entire functioning of their planetary body continues to remain such as it became proper to it to be during their waking state.

“In order that you should better represent to yourself and understand the results flowing from such an astonishing ‘psychic property,’ you must first of all know about two facts actualized in the common presences of these favorites of yours.

“One of these facts is produced in their common presence thanks to the existing cosmic law of ‘self-adaption-of-Nature’; and the other fact flows from the abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence established by them themselves about which I have repeatedly spoken.

“The first fact is, that from the time when owing to their abnormal existence there began to be formed in them what is called the ‘two-system-Zoostat,’ that is, two independent consciousnesses, then Great Nature began gradually to adapt Herself and finally adapted Herself to this, that after they arrive at a certain age, there begin to proceed in them two ‘Inkliazanikshanas’ of different what are called ‘tempos,’ that is, as they themselves would say, two ‘blood circulations’ of different kind.