“But when their big WARS later on again begin, all these tablets were also destroyed by these strange beings themselves, and only one of them, namely, that one now with these brethren, somehow survived, as I have already told you, and is now the property of this Brotherhood. 2158 BTG XXVI
“The result of these wiscacrings of theirs was that over the whole continent of Asia civil WARS again broke out in various communities, and the processes of mass reciprocal-destruction between different communities. 2363 BTG XXVIII
“But when the three-brained beings there, who arose and existed on the neighbouring continent, now called Europe, then began taking part in the Asiatic WARS, and when ‘hordes’ with the arch-vainglorious Greek called ‘Alexander-of-Macedonia’ at their head were dispatched thence and passed almost everywhere over the continent of Asia, they made, as it is said, a ‘clean sweep’ from the surface of that ill-fated planet, of everything that had been established and had still been preserved and carried out; so clean a sweep, that it left not even the trace of the memory that there could once have existed on the surface of their planet such a ‘bliss’, specially and intentionally created for their existence by such a Reason, whose possessor is now one of our seven MOST VERY SAINTLY OMNICOSMIC INDIVIDUALS, without whose participation even our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER does not allow himself to actualize anything. 2365 BTG XXVIII
“He then said as follows: “‘The past and especially the last two centuries have shown us that during those inevitable psychoses of the masses, from which WARS between states and various popular revolts within states always arise, many of the innocent victims of the popular bestiality are invariably those who, owing to their piety and conscious sacrifices, are worthy to be initiates and through whom various Legominisms containing information about all kinds of real events which have taken place in the past are transmitted to the conscious beings of succeeding generations. 2622 BTG XXX
“But to understand this, you must first know that not so long ago all the communities existing there on the continent Europe, the beings of which are for the most part followers of this religion, together produced, on account of this same city Jerusalem, their great WARS against those beings, followers of other religions, and these great WARS of theirs they called ‘Crusades’. 3934 BTG XXXVIII
“‘When the news of this conclusion of theirs spread over the continent of Asia, all the rulers and chiefs of the separate Asiatic groups of that time grew alarmed, as almost all the regular troops at their disposal consisted of adult men, and moreover, the constant WARS permitted none of them to live normally with his family. 5943 BTG XLII
“Thanks to their intensive and indeed impartial and unselfish activities, those increasing WARS and civil WARS on the continent Asia began to diminish, and it was anticipated that many other good things might still be done for this same end. 6590 BTG XLIII
Summing up all that has been said, the thoughts set out in the lecture you have heard read, as well as what I have added today, that is about the two categories of contemporary people who in respect of inner content have nothing in common, and about that grievous fact which has been made clear to a certain degree thanks to the addition I have made, namely, that in the common presences of people in recent times, thanks to progressively deteriorating conditions of ordinary life established by us — particularly owing to the wrong system of education of the rising generation — the various consequences of the organ Kundabuffer have begun to arise much more intensely, I consider it necessary to say and even to emphasize still more that all misunderstandings without exception arising in the process of our collective life, particularly in the sense of reciprocal relationship, and all disagreements, disputes, settling-ups and hasty decisions — just these decisions, after the actualization of which, in practice, there arises in us the lingering process of “Remorse-of-Conscience” — and even such great events as WARS, civil WARS, and other similar misfortunes of a general character proceed simply on account of a property in the common presences of ordinary people who have never specially worked on themselves, which property I this time would call “the-reflecting-of-reality-in-one’s-attention-upside-down”. 7405 BTG XLVIII
The manifestations in the common presences of the said people of this maleficent property is particularly intensely actualized just during such events as WARS, revolutions, civil WARS, and so on. 7408 BTG XLVIII