B805 <=> B807 (BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 806)
“After the loss of the continent Atlantis, certain knowledge concerning the origin and significance of this same ‘being-Exioëry’ also survived, and this knowledge also began to pass from generation to generation.
“And so, about thirty or thirty-five of their centuries ago, when after a big process of reciprocal destruction, the majority of them again began – as it usually happens there in general after these terrifying excesses – often to see reality and to be less satisfied with the conditions of their ordinary existence, it so happened that the surviving fragments of the knowledge concerning the significance of being-Exioëry reached in their authentic form to certain of them who had particularly strongly sensed the emptiness of their existence and who had begun to seek possibilities by which they could somehow fill up this emptiness.
“In these though fragmentary yet nevertheless authentic informations, it was very convincingly indicated that by means of the substances ‘Exioëry’ or sperm formed in them, it was possible to perfect oneself, but unfortunately for them there were no indications, in this information which had survived and reached them, what and how precisely this had to be done.
“Then certain of them began to think and to strive persistently somehow to understand what was necessary to be done, in order, by means of these substances inevitably formed in their presences, to struggle for self-perfection.
“The result of these serious ponderings of theirs was that the conviction at first arose in them that this self-perfection could probably be actualized by itself, by abstaining from the ejection from oneself in the customary manner of these substances formed in them called sperm, and certain of them decided to unite and exist together, in order to convince themselves in practice whether such abstinence could indeed give the supposed results.