B866 <=> B868 (BTG XL Heptaparaparshinokh, p. 867)
“I repeat, if the strings of this piano are tuned correctly and the corresponding vibrations are evoked in corresponding strings, then the resulting blending of vibrations almost exactly coincides, even mathematically, with the law-conformable totality of vibrations of substances actualized by corresponding cosmic sources on the basis of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh.
“On this piano the vibrations of each whole note and half note of any octave pass from one to another exactly according to the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and thus their vibrations – as this occurs always and everywhere in the Universe exactly similarly – mutually help each other to evolve or involve.
“Here, by the way, it will be very interesting to notice that if the calculations and enumerations obtained by these great terrestrial learned beings were almost exact, then they owed it to the fact that the standard unit which they took for their calculations chanced to be that unit which is taken everywhere in the Megalocosmos, that is, that same small particle of the most sacred substance Theomertmalogos, in which there might still be all the fullness of the power of vivifyingness proper to it.
“Well, just here I will explain to you as I promised, about the already mentioned ‘Nirioonossian-World-Sound.’
“The Nirioonossian-World-Sound is just that sound the vibrations of which have been taken from ancient times – and even at the present time there, is still taken, it is true, for a very small number of your favorites, of course, of this same China – for their sound-producing instruments as the ‘absolute vibrations’ of the note ‘do.’