
B966 <=> B968 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 967)

“The bread made in this way can ‘dry,’ ‘crumble,’ or even be to all appearances gradually completely destroyed, yet from this process of transformation the elements of the water will, during the said fairly long time, be no further destroyed but will remain active for the said time among what are called the ‘enduring prosphorian active elements.’

“And in the given case, my boy, I again repeat that if the contemporary beings breeding on the continent of Asia preserve their products exclusively only in a roasted or boiled state, and not when raw, as the contemporary American beings prefer to do, this also occurs there in consequence of the fact that these usages reached the beings of Asia from their ancestors, the term of whose communities was many centuries, and who in consequence had a long practical experience, whereas the term of the community of those American beings is still, as our wise teacher would say, ‘only a day and a half.’

“In order that you may better evaluate the significance of this invention of those contemporary beings breeding on the continent America, and which is, as it were, the real outcome of contemporary civilization, I do not consider it superfluous to inform you also of the methods of preserving several other products for a long time, which methods are now in use among the beings of the continent Asia.

“Such, for instance, is the method of preparing what is called ‘Haoorma,’ a particularly favorite product of the beings of many groups of the continent Asia.

“This Haoorma on the continent Asia is prepared in a very simple manner, namely, small pieces of well-roasted meat are tightly packed into ‘earthenware jars’ or goatskin ‘Boordooks.’ (A Boordook is the skin stripped in a special manner from the being called ‘goat.’)