B986 <=> B988 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 987)
“’And every normal Persian – normal in the sense of not being under the influence of tambak, alcohol, or opium, the consumption of which has in recent times been unfortunately spreading among us ever more and more – can always unmistakedly tell which woman represents a “woman-mother” and which a “woman-female,” that is, a prostitute.
“’To every normal Persian among us, a woman-mother, to whatever religion she may belong and regardless of family and personal relationships, is as his own sister, and a woman of the second category simply an animal who infallibly evokes in him a feeling of aversion.
“’This property of instinctive relationship towards women is very strong in our men and is entirely independent of our consciousness.
“’For example, even suppose it should happen somehow or other that the youngest and most beautiful woman of any district should find herself in the same bed with a man of the same district, this Persian man, even with all his willingness, provided, I repeat, that he were not under the influence of opium or alcohol, would be organically unable to treat her as a female.
“’He would treat her as his own sister; and even if she herself should manifest organic actions towards him, he would only pity her the more, and regard her as “possessed by an unclean power” and would try his best to help her free herself from this misfortune.
“’And the same Persian man will, in a normal condition, also treat a woman of the second category, that is, a prostitute, as a woman-female, since, however young and beautiful she may be, he will inevitably experience an organic aversion to her; nor could he treat her as a woman unless there had been introduced into his organism the toxic products, maleficent for people, which I have enumerated.