B141 <=> B143 (BTG XVII The Arch-absurd, p. 142)
“Not a single one of those ‘sorry-scientists’ has ever thought that the difference between these two cosmic processes is just about the same as that which the highly esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin once expressed in the following words:
“’They are as much alike as the beard of the famous English Shakespeare and the no less famous French Armagnac.’
“For the further clarification of the phenomena taking place in the atmospheres and concerning the ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ in general, you must know and remember this also, that during the periods when, owing to the sacred process ‘Aieioiuoa,’ ‘Djartklom’ proceeds in the Okidanokh, then there is temporarily released from it the proportion of the pure – that is, absolutely unblended – Etherokrilno which unfailingly enters into all cosmic formations and there serves, as it were, for connecting all the active elements of these formations; and afterwards when its three fundamental parts reblend then the said proportion of Etherokrilno is re-established.
“Now, it is necessary to touch also, of course again only briefly, on another question, namely, what relation the ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh’ has to the common presence of beings of every kind, and what are the cosmic results actualized owing to it.