
B1164 <=> B1166 (BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1165)

“When at the beginning of our journey I noticed that you were very interested in the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, I then decided, under the aspect of gratifying that interest of yours, to tell you everything about them in such a way so that there should be crystallized in you for your future being-associations the required what are called ‘Egoplastikoori,’ without any admixture of doubt.

“For this, I have in almost all my tales strictly held to the two following principles:

“The first: not to say anything as if it were my own personal opinion, in order that data necessary for your own convictions should not be crystallized in you in a prepared form according to the opinions of another.

“And in accordance with the second principle: to relate to you in just such an order and in such a premeditated and selected sequence about all the events which proceeded on this planet Earth connected with the arising among these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, of various gradually progressing inner and outer abnormalities in the process of their ordinary being-existence, the total of which has given them their present desolate and almost inescapable state – in order that you should be able to marshal your own subjective reasoning concerning all causes, only on the basis of certain facts which I have told you.

“I decided to do this in order that many diversely essenced ‘Egoplastikooris’ for your future logical confrontation should be crystallized in corresponding localizations in your common presence, and also in order that from active mentation the proper elaboration in you of the sacred substances of Abrustdonis and Helkdonis for the purpose of coating and perfecting both of your higher being-parts should proceed more intensively.