B941 <=> B943 (BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 942)
“As is in general the rule there, they certainly did not spare their dollars in this case either, and since the sacred being-function of ‘conscience’ is completely atrophied among contemporary terrestrial what are called ‘journalists’ and ‘reporters,’ the result is that in all your favorites breeding on all the continents there is crystallized just that definite, monstrously exaggerated notion of the slaughterhouses of the city of Chicago.
“And it can be said, indeed, that they did so in true American fashion.
“On the continent America, the three-brained brings have become so expert in this advertising of theirs, that it is quite possible to apply to them the saying of our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin which declares that ‘that man will become a friend of the cloven-hoofed who perfects himself to such Reason and such being that he can make an elephant out of a fly.’
“They have indeed become so skillful at ‘making elephants out of flies’ and they do it so often, that already at the present time on seeing a genuine American elephant, one has to ‘remember oneself with the whole of one’s being’ not to get the impression that it is only a fly.
“From Chicago I returned again to New York and as all my projects for the fulfillment of which I had come to this continent were then unexpectedly rapidly and rather successfully actualized, and seeing that the surrounding circumstances and conditions of the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings of that city turned out to be corresponding to what was required for my periodic complete rest which had already become customary for me during my last personal sojourn on the surface of your planet, I decided to stay there longer and exist with the beings there merely according to the being-associations inevitably flowing in me.