
B771 <=> B773 (BTG XXXIX The holy planetPurgatory,” p. 772)

“The transformation through them of the cosmic substances required for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process, according to the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, proceeds on these same principles on which it proceeds through our common presences and also through the presences of your favorites, the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth. For the continuation of their species alone does this sacred law effect its completing process through three kinds of beings, wherefore such three-brained beings are called ‘Triakrkomnian’; separately, however, just as among us beings of different sexes are called Actavus and Passavus or are called on your planet man and woman, so there on the planet Modiktheo they call the beings of the different sexes ‘Martna,’ ‘Spirna,’ and ‘Okina,’ and although externally they are all alike, yet in their inner construction they are very different from each other.

“The process of the continuation of their species proceeds among them in the following manner:

“All three beings of different sexes simultaneously receive the ‘sacred Elmooarno,’ or as your favorites say ‘conception,’ through a special action, and for a certain period they exist with this sacred Elmooarno or ‘conception’ apart from one another, entirely independently, but each of them exists with very definite intentional perceptions and conscious manifestations.

“And later, when the time approaches for the manifestation of the results of these conceptions, or when, as your favorites say, the time of birth approaches, there becomes evident in all these three uncommon beings, as it is called, an ‘Aklonoatistitchian’ longing for each other, or as your favorites would say, there appears in them a ‘physico-organic-attraction.’ And the nearer the time of this being-manifestation or birth approaches, the more they press close to each other and ultimately almost grow on to each other; and thereupon at one and the same time, they actualize in a certain way these conceptions of theirs.