
B297 <=> B299 (BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 298)

“And this division of theirs into groups occurred for the following reason:

“When they had finally become convinced that there was something very undesirable in their presences and they had begun to seek means and possibilities of achieving its removal in order to become such as, according to sane logic, they ought to have been, corresponding to the sense and aim of their existence, the elucidation of which, whatever it might cost them, they made the basis of their task, and when they proceeded to actualize in practice this task previously decided upon by their Reason, it very soon became clear that it was imperatively necessary for its fulfillment to have in their Reason more detailed information of various special branches of knowledge.

“But as it proved impossible for each and every one of them to acquire the necessary special knowledge, they divided themselves for convenience into a number of groups so that each group might separately study one of these special branches of knowledge required for their common aim.

“Here, my boy, you should notice that genuine objective science just then arose and began to exist there for the first time, and developed normally up to the time of the second great catastrophe to their planet; also that the rate of the development of some of its separate branches then progressed at an indeed unprecedented tempo.

“And in consequence many great and small cosmic, what are called ‘objective truths’ gradually began at that period to become evident also to those three-brained beings who have taken your fancy.