
the solar system was then still being formed and was not yet blended completely with The-Harmony-of-Reciprocal-Maintenance-of-All-Cosmic-Concentrations B81

time does not issue from anything but blends always with everything B124

the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, from the BLENDING of three independent forces B139; and B1138

when Okidanokh enters into the presence of a being and the process Djartklom proceeds in it, then each of its fundamental parts blends with those perceptions which correspond with it according to what is called Kindred-vibrations; these BLENDINGs are called being-Impulsakri B144

BLENDING of the parts of Okidanokh B141

reciprocal-BLENDING-of-the-results-of-all-the-planets-of-the-given-system B263

the organ for the perception and distinguishing of the BLENDING-of-gravity-center-vibrations B468

the successiveness-of-the-processes-of-the-mutual-BLENDING-of-vibrations B847; and B852

consecutive BLENDING vibrations B866

the process of the BLENDING of newly-perceived impressions B1168

it is necessary to act toward the unconscious part of a being in such a way as to make it possible for certain functions to remain inactive from time to time, in order that it might be always possible for this unconscious part gradually and in its time to blend its newly acquired subjective tempos with the objective tempos of our common Megalocosmos B1172