
genuine objective SCIENCE arose and began to exist for the first time in the society Akhaldan B298

such pictures are met with, that only from observing and studying them every normal being, if he will indeed take in and study his perceptions, might become fully instructed in all branches of general objective SCIENCE B1079

Formulations of Objective Science concerning:
Askalnooazar B149
Etherokrilno B137 ff
Heptaparaparshinokh B750
Hlodistomaticules B489
Hooltanpanas or tonalities-of-color B469
Okidanokh B157
Time B123; a standard unit of Time B124 ff B127 ff
Triamazikamno B188 ff B751

Various kinds of SCIENCE:
various wiseacrings that they call SCIENCEs B134
a definite maleficent fantastic SCIENCE under the name of that great SCIENCE called alchemy B325
the fantastic SCIENCEs of the ancient Greeks B422 ff passim B661 B860
that branch of almost normal SCIENCE called Tazaloorinono B821
an independent branch of genuine SCIENCE, that is, the-totality-of-the-information-concerning-the-special-question-thoroughly-cognized-by-perfected-Reason B841
this branch of their official SCIENCE called the theory of the law of vibrations B862
the ancient-Chinese-SCIENCE named Shat-Chai-Mernis B871 passim
Hasnamussian SCIENCEs B1072
that branch of genuine SCIENCE entitled the laws of association of human mentation B1185
contemporary exact-positive-SCIENCE B1203: and B251 B859 B1185