“He said: ‘We studied the Assyrian theory of the great Malmanash, and the Arabian theory of the famous Selneheh-Avaz, and the Greek — of the PHILOSOPHER Pythagoras — and of course all the Chinese theories. BTG XLI
“‘And the initial cause of the institution of this fast was the dispute at this Kelnuanian Council between two then famous learned men, namely, the great Hertoonano and the great Greek PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi. BTG XLII
“‘The great Hertoonano was the representative of all the followers of the teaching of Jesus Christ settled on the shores of the Red Sea, while the PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi was the representative of all the then followers of that teaching in Greece. BTG XLII
“‘The PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi was famous for his learning only in his own country, but Hertoonano was famous all over the Earth. He was considered the greatest authority on the laws of the inner organization of man, and also an authority on the science then called alchemy — not of course the alchemic science of which contemporary people have a notion and which they express by the same word. BTG XLII
“‘The PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi, it seems, occupied two days in affirming and proving that it was absolutely necessary to spread among all the followers of the teachings of Jesus the notion that to kill animals for the purpose of consuming their flesh for food was the greatest sin, and moreover that such flesh was very harmful to the health, and so on. BTG XLII
“‘After the PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi, several other representatives ascended the rostrum and spoke for or against his case. BTG XLII
“‘According to the text of this manuscript, he then spoke as follows: “‘”I fully concur in all the evidence and arguments set forth here by our Brother in Christ, the PHILOSOPHER Veggendiadi. BTG XLII
“And everything subsequent came about through the influence of a then very famous PHILOSOPHER, Atarnakh, and his theory expounded by him in a treatise under the title: ‘Why do Wars Occur on the Earth? ‘ BTG XLIII
“When this PHILOSOPHER made his appearance among the members of this society, all their notions were confounded. BTG XLIII
“I know very well the history of this same PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh also, because during my studies of ever the same consequences of the creations of the Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash it became necessary for me to learn in detail about his activities also, and of course also about himself. BTG XLIII
“This PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh was born in that same city Mosulopolis in a family of those who are called ‘Kurds’. BTG XLIII
“As my investigation made clear to me, the contents of this manuscript, inscribed by some ancient being, extremely interested the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh who was particularly struck by that place of the manuscript where, as presupposed by this ancient learned being, it was said: BTG XLIII
“This idea expressed in the ancient manuscript so captivated the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh that thereafter he devoted himself whole-heartedly to the study of only this aspect of the question which had interested him. BTG XLIII
“In this theory of the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh it was very definitely proved that there exists in the world, without any doubt, a law of the ‘reciprocal-maintenance-of-everything-that-exists’ and that for this reciprocal maintenance certain chemical substances also serve, with the help of which the process of the spiritualization of beings, that is to say ‘Life’, is carried out, and these chemical substances serve for the maintenance of all that exists only after the given life ceases, that is, when a being dies. BTG XLIII
“The first of these convictions was that everything takes place precisely according to the theory of the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh, that is to say, that there must necessarily proceed ‘wars’ and ‘civil wars’ on the Earth quite independently of the personal consciousness of men; and the second conviction was that which all the members of the society had already previously had, namely, that if they succeeded in carrying out the program which their society had set itself, this evil also which proceeded on their planet, might be destroyed root and branch, and everything might proceed in a desirable way. BTG XLIII
“After several meetings, already directed by the Kurd PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh himself, the following categorical conclusion was unanimously arrived at. BTG XLIII
“For nearly three days and three nights following that memorable day they scarcely adjourned, but in the halls that had been put by the citizens of Mosulopolis at the disposal of this all-planetary society of men-beings there was a continuous rumble of discussion and deliberation; at last, on the fourth day, an official general meeting was convened at which by general consent a resolution was carried, to do in the future also everything exactly as should be indicated by the great Kurd, the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh. BTG XLIII
“Some days later, the members of that society now under the new motto, ‘The-Earth-Only-for-Men’, dispersed from the city Mosulopolis to their native countries where, under the general instructions issuing from the PHILOSOPHER Atarnakh, they so acted that among the populations of the continent Asia the idea should be strengthened and again take root of ‘making themselves agreeable’ to their gods and idols by killing beings of different forms. BTG XLIII