sacred ways

“‘All the sacred Individuals here before me, specially and intentionally actualized from Above, have always endeavored while striving for the same aim to accomplish the task laid upon them through one or other of those three SACRED WAYS for self-perfecting, foreordained by OUR ENDLESS CREATOR HIMSELF, namely, through the SACRED WAYS based on the being-impulses called “Faith”, “Hope”, and “Love”. BTG XXVI

“‘But which during this period of my “self-preparation” I chanced to meet many beings of almost all “types” formed and existing here in the city of Babylon, and when during my impartial observations, I constated many traits of their being-manifestations, there crept into me and progressively increased an “essence-doubt” as to the possibilities of saving the three-centered beings of this planet by means of these three SACRED WAYS. BTG XXVI

“‘So, when I finally became a responsible being, I decided that before making my choice among the mentioned SACRED WAYS, I would bring my planetary body into the state of the sacred “Ksherknara”, that is, into the state of “all-brained-balanced-being-perceptiveness”, and only when already in that state, to choose the way for my further activities. BTG XXVI

“‘These meditations of my purified Reason then made it categorically clear to me, that to save the contemporary beings by any of the SACRED WAYS was already too late. BTG XXVI

“When this great and, by His Reason, almost incomparable Sacred Individual became fully convinced that the ordinary SACRED WAYS which exist for the purpose of self-perfection for all the three-brained beings of the Universe, were no longer suitable for the beings of this planet, He then, after His year of special observation and studies of their psyche, again ascended to that same mountain Veziniama, and during several terrestrial months contemplatively pondered in which way He could actualize His decision, that is to save the beings of this planet from those hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, by means of those data which survived in their subconsciousness for the fundamental sacred being-impulse, Conscience. BTG XXVI