“In certain of the beings there, particularly of recent times, their BEING-AIMNOPHNIAN-MENTATION or perceptible logic has already become such that they can very clearly see this same ‘God’ of theirs in their picturings, almost with a comb sticking out of his left vest pocket, with which he sometimes combs his famous beard. BTG XXXIX
“Such a superpeculiar BEING-AIMNOPHNIAN-MENTATION about their ‘God’ proceeded in your favorites chiefly from the Hasnamussian manifestations of those ‘learned’ beings who, you remember, I have already told you, assembled in the city of Babylon and collectively began to invent various maleficent fictions concerning their ‘God’, which were afterwards by chance widely spread everywhere on that ill-fated planet. And in view of the fact that that period coincided with the time when the three-brained beings there began to exist particularly ‘Selzelnualno’, i.e., particularly ‘passively’, in the sense of the being-efforts proper to three-centered beings, therefore these maleficent inventions were thoroughly absorbed and appropriated by the beings. BTG XXXIX
“And afterwards, in their transmission from generation to generation by inheritance, they gradually began to be crystallized into such monstrous ‘logicnestarian-materials’, with the result that in the psyche of the contemporary three-brained beings there, there began to proceed such an already exceptionally distorted BEING-AIMNOPHNIAN-MENTATION. BTG XXXIX