“Not once during my preceding tales concerning these beings who have taken your fancy has there ever been recalled in my BEING-ASSOCIATION an event which took place there just one day before my flight forever from the surface of that planet, and which event proves that something after all did reach even your contemporary favorites from among the achievements of the beings of the romote past.BTG XXXIII
“That is wily in all my tales about the three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth I was guided by this, that on the one hand there should be crystallized in the corresponding localizations of your common presence many diversely formed data for your future BEING-ASSOCIATION concerning all the ‘totalities’ or ‘branches’ of Objective Knowledge; and on the other hand that the process of Zernofookalnian-friction should proceed intensively in your common presence, and that that result should be obtained which I have just witnessed in the way you answered my question, ‘Why are you weeping?’BTG XLVI