“Data for these three KINDS OF BEING-REASON are crystallized in the presence of each three-brained being depending upon how much – by means of the ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ – the corresponding higher-being-parts are coated and perfected in them, which should without fail compose their common presences as a whole. BTG XXXIX
“The first highest kind of being-Reason is the ‘pure’ or objective Reason which is proper only to the presence of a higher being-body or to the common presences of the bodies themselves of those three-brained beings in whom this higher part has already arisen and perfected itself, and then only when it is the, what is called, ‘center-of-gravity-initiator-of-the-individual-functioning’ of the whole presence of the being. BTG XXXIX
“The second being-Reason, which is named ‘Okiarta-aitokhsa’, can be in the presences of those three-brained-beings, in whom their second-being-body-Kesdjan’ is already completely coated and functions independently. BTG XXXIX
“As regards the third kind of being-Reason, this is nothing else but only the action of the automatic functioning which proceeds in the common presences of all beings in general and also in the presences of all surplanetary definite formations, thanks to repeated shocks coming from outside, which evoke habitual reactions from the data crystallized in them corresponding to previous accidentally perceived impressions. BTG XXXIX
“Although in respect of the Sacred Triamazikamno the process of the arising of both KINDS OF BEING-REASON flows equally, yet the fulfilling factors for the actualization of its three separate holy forces are different. Namely, for the formation of the Reason-of-knowing the formerly perceived contradictory inmpressions crystallized in any one of the three localizations which three-brained beings have, serve as the affirming and denying factors and the new impressions proceeding from without serve in this case as the third factor. BTG XLVI