“And they could pass by day because during this time at the Krentonalnian position of their planet in relation to the rays of their sun, almost all the wild terrestrial beings are in the BEING-STATE called ‘sleep’, that is to say, in a state of automatic elaboration in their presences of that energy which is necessary for their ordinary existence, which elaboration of energy proceeds in them during just this time, whereas in the three-centered beings there, on the contrary, the same is elaborated only when the said sacred property is not proceeding in the atmosphere, that is, during the period of the diurnity which they call ‘night’. BTG XXII
“And however long a time may have already passed, every three-brained being in whose presence there has been acquired the ability to enter into the BEING-STATE called ‘Soorptakalknian contemplation’ can perceive and cognize the texts of these Korkaptiloian thought tapes. BTG XXIII
“The three-brained beings arising and existing on the planet Mars as well as the three-centered beings of all those planets of our Megalocosmos on which an existence normal for three-centered beings proceeds, also have full possibility of reaching the state of the sacred Ischmetch, namely, that BEING-STATE when the existence of a being already becomes dependent, as regards the Most Great cosmic Iraniranumange, only on those substances which arise directly from the manifestations of the Most Most Holy Prime Source Itself, and not as it proceeds in the other beings whose existence depends on cosmic substances arising through the results of all corresponding gravity-center concentrations of the common-cosmic fundamental Ansabaluiazar. BTG XLV