
B99 <=> B101 [BTG XII The first “growl,” p. 100]


“Não foi preciso dizer mais nada para que isso acontecesse.

E, a partir daquele dia, ele “trabalhou com sabedoria” em seu novo “Evangelho”. Mas foi somente quando ele o terminou e o entregou aos publicadores que todos os outros eventos relacionados a esse seu novo ‘Evangelho’ começaram.

“Em qualquer outra época, talvez nada tivesse acontecido, e esse seu novo ‘Evangelho’ teria simplesmente entrado em seu nicho nas bibliotecas dos bibliômanos de aí, entre as multidões de outros livros que expunham ‘verdades’ semelhantes.

“Mas, feliz ou infelizmente para esse escritor, aconteceu que certos seres ‘detentores-de-poder’ daquela grande comunidade em que ele vivia estavam tendo uma sorte desgraçada no que é chamado de ‘roleta’ e ‘bacará’ e, portanto, continuavam exigindo o que chamavam de ‘dinheiro’ dos seres comuns de sua comunidade, e então, graças a essas exigências desordenadas de dinheiro, os seres comuns daquela comunidade acabaram acordando de seu habitual torpor e ‘começaram-a-se-levantar’.

“Ao verem isso, os seres ‘detentores-de-poder’ que permaneceram em casa ficaram alarmados e tomaram as ‘medidas’ correspondentes.

“E entre as ‘medidas’ que tomaram estava também a destruição imediata, fora da face de seu planeta, de tudo o que surgisse recentemente em sua terra natal e que pudesse impedir os seres comuns de sua comunidade de retomar sua hibernação.

“E foi justamente nessa época que surgiram os já mencionados ‘Evangelhos’ desse escritor.

“No conteúdo desse novo ‘Evangelho’, os seres ‘detentores-de-poder’ também encontraram algo que, segundo seu entendimento, poderia impedir que os seres comuns de sua comunidade hibernassem novamente; e, portanto, decidiram quase que imediatamente ‘livrar-se’ tanto do próprio escritor quanto de seus ‘Evangelhos’ — porque agora haviam se tornado bastante experientes em ‘livrar-se’ desses nativos ‘iniciantes’ que não se preocupavam com seus próprios assuntos.


“No sooner said than done.

“And from that very day he ‘wiseacred’ away at his new ‘Gospel.’ But it was only when he had finished it, however, and had given it to the printers, that all the further events connected with this new ‘Gospel’ of his began.

“At any other time, nothing perhaps would have happened, and this new ‘Gospel’ of his would simply have slipped into its niche in the libraries of the bibliomaniacs there, among the multitudes of other books expounding similar ‘truths.’

“But fortunately or unfortunately for this writer, it happened that certain ‘power-possessing’ beings of that great community in which he existed had just been having rotten luck at what is called ‘roulette’ and ‘baccarat’ and they therefore kept on demanding what they called ‘money’ from the ordinary beings of their community, whereupon, thanks to these inordinate demands for money, the ordinary beings of that community at length awoke from their usual what is called torpor and ‘began-to-sit-up.’

“Seeing this, the ‘power-possessing’ beings who remained at home became alarmed and took corresponding ‘measures.’

“And among the ‘measures’ they took was also the immediate destruction from off the face of their planet of everything newly arising in their native land, such as could possibly keep the ordinary beings of their community from resuming their hibernation.

“And it was just at this time that the aforementioned ‘Gospels’ of this writer appeared.

“In the contents of this new ‘Gospel’ also, the ‘power-possessing’ beings found something which also to their understanding might keep the ordinary beings of their community from hibernating again; and they therefore decided almost immediately to ‘get rid of’ both the writer himself and his ‘Gospels’ – because they had now become quite expert in ‘getting rid of’ these native ‘upstarts’ who did not mind their own business.

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