“I once told you that there is localized in the head of each one of them as well as in us a concentration of corresponding cosmic substances, all the functioning of which exactly corresponds to all those functions and purposes which our MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS has, and fulfills, for the whole of the Megalocosmos.BTG XXXIX
“Further, in each of them, in their what is called ‘vertebral column’, another concentration was localized, called there the ‘spinal marrow’, in which there are precisely those what are called denying sources, which actualize in their functionings in relation to the parts of the head-brain just such fulfillments as the ‘second-order newly arisen Suns’ of the Megalocosmos actualize in relation to the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS.BTG XXXIX
“Well, then, just these separate brain nodes of their spinal marrow are the sources of denim in relation to the separate shades of affirmation in their head-brain, precisely as the separate ‘second-order-Suns’ are the source. of the various shades of denial in relation to the various shades of affirmation of the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS.BTG XXXIX
“And, finally, just as in the Megalocosmos. all the re suits obtained by the flow of the fundamental process ol the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh from the ‘affirmation’ ol the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS and from the various shades of ‘denial’ of the newly created ‘Suns’ began to serve thereafter as a ‘reconciling principle’ for everything newly arising and already existing, so in them also there is a corresponding localization for the concentration of all results obtained from the affirmation of the head-brain and from all the shades of denial of the spinal marrow, which results afterwards serve as a regularizing or reconciling principle for the functionings of the whole common presence of each of them.BTG XXXIX
“That is to say, those substances which, on the path of their returning evolutionary ascent from the sacred ‘Ashagiprotoëhary’ – i.e., from the last Stopinder of the fundamental Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh toward the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS – were transmitted with the aid of their own planet itself into definite higher corresponding surplanetary formations, and enter into them for further transformation as their ‘first being-food’, which is their ordinary ‘food’ and ‘drink’.BTG XXXIX
“Until this common-cosmic misfortune, all the higher being-bodies which arose and were perfected in certain Tetartocosmoses and in their first generations were united immediately with the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS itself, because their common presences had already actualized results fully corresponding to it.BTG XXXIX
“Just these same various results served as a cause for this, that these cosmic formations, even if they had in their perfecting reached to the required gradation of Objective Reason, yet they had ceased to correspond in their common presences to the conditions of existence in the sphere of the MOST MOST HOLY PROTOCOSMOS, and from that time on they lost the possibility of being deemed worthy to unite themselves with it.BTG XXXIX