So Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon ceased their conversation and hastily went off to the DJAMDJAMPAL. BTG XLII
When Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon had returned from the “DJAMDJAMPAL” and had resumed their usual places, Hassein, again turning to Beelzebub, said: “Dear Grandfather! Although thanks to your exhaustive explanations relating to different episodes which proceeded in the planet Earth during the process of the existence of the three-brained beings, I obtained a clear conception and convincing understanding of the surprising strangeness of their psyche, nevertheless the question still arises in me about one particularity of this psyche of theirs which I cannot yet understand at all and which, even taking their strange psyche into account, appears to me not logical. My thoughts constantly return to this perplexing question and were even concentrated on it during the sacred sacrament in the DJAMDJAMPAL. BTG XLIII