common psyche

“Besides this chief particularity of their COMMON PSYCHE, there are completely crystallized in them and there unfailingly become a part of their common presences – regardless of where they may arise or exist – functions which exist under the names ‘egoism ‘, ‘self-love ‘, ‘vanity ‘, ‘pride ‘, ‘self-conceit ‘, ‘credulity ‘, ‘suggestibility ‘, and many other properties quite abnormal and quite unbecoming to the essence of any three-brained beings whatsoever. BTG XIV

“Not only has not a single one of them – having a Reason which, though strange, has nevertheless some resemblance to sane logic – ever yet doubted the causes of the said phenomena, but not a single one of them has manifested, concerning these cosmic phenomena even that strange special property of their COMMON PSYCHE, which also became proper to the three-brained beings of that planet alone, and which is called ‘to fantasy ‘.” BTG XVII

“The basis for the atrophying of the first of the mentioned data is derived from the fact of the disturbance of the co-ordination of their COMMON PSYCHE. BTG XXXI

During the period of the Tikliamishian civilization, when the learned beings from the country of Maralpleicie first discovered the possibility of such combinations in their COMMON PSYCHE and tried to put one another at will into that special state, they soon found out and understood how to obtain it with the help of what is called being-Hanbledzoin, that cosmic substance whose essence the three-brained beings of contemporary civilization came close to understanding, and which they named animal magnetism. BTG XXXII

“Thanks to this grammatical rule of theirs, either listener during an exchange of opinions, first of all receives a suggestion as if it were subject to actualization and thus there must proceed in him a certain ‘being-Diardookin’, or as they themselves would say, a certain ‘experiencing’, and only later, at the end, when speaking according to their grammatical rule, do they pronounce their famous ‘nicht’; so that each time, as a result, there is accumulated in their common presences that which in totality actualizes, though slowly yet surely, this mentioned ‘specificness’ in their COMMON PSYCHE, and from this fact, you should be able to elucidate this original problem I have set you”. BTG XXXVI

“Walking down the main streets of the cities of the beings of this continent, especially of the city New York and seeing the display in any fruit store, it is hard to say at once just what it is the eyes behold. Is it an exhibition of pictures by the futurists of the city Berlin of the continent Europe, or is it a display of the famous perfumery stores for foreigners of the ‘world capital’, that is, the city Paris? “Only after a while, when you have finally managed to take in various details of the appearance of these displays and somehow start reflecting again, can you clearly constate how much greater is the variety of color and shape of the jars in these American displays of fruit preserves than in the mentioned displays of the continent of Europe; and this is evidently due to the fact that, in the COMMON PSYCHE of the beings of this new group, the combination resulting from the intermixture of former independent races, happens to correspond more completely to a better perception and a thorough cognition of the sense and beneficence of the achievements of the Reason both of the beings of the contemporary community of Germany in respect of the chemical substances they have invented, called there ‘aniline’ and ‘alizarin’, as well as of the beings of the community France in respect of ‘perfumery’. BTG XLII

“I must further remark in just this connection, that there flourished that specific particularity of the strangeness of the COMMON PSYCHE of these peculiar beings who have taken your fancy, which has already long existed in their collective existence and which has been formulated by the following words: ‘the concentration of interests on an idea which has accidentally become the question of the day’. BTG XLII

“It was then established by them that this universally disseminated maleficent idea, the data for which gradually became crystallized in each of them during their formation into preparatory age, already dominates their COMMON PSYCHE at their responsible existence and becomes on the one hand a tranquillizer and justifier of all their manifestations and on the other hand the fundamental impeding factor for the possibility which arises in certain of them for the self-perfecting of their higher being-parts. BTG XLIV

“In this same subconsciousness of theirs, owing to many causes formed in them, that particularity of the COMMON PSYCHE of the three-brained beings also accidentally survived which, in general, might function under certain conditions and which is called the ‘seeing-and-sensing-of-what-has-occurred-in-the-remote-past’. BTG XLIV

The particularity of the action of the consequences of the properties of the said organ on the COMMON PSYCHE of people consists just in this that, thanks to it, there does not arise among most contemporary people – these three-brained beings in whom were placed all the hopes and expectations of our CREATOR, as possible servers of higher purposes – the cognition of any of these genuine terrors, and also that it enables them peacefully to carry on their existence in unconscious fulfillment of what was foreordained, but in the service only of Nature’s nearest immediate aims, as they have meanwhile lost, on account of their unbecoming abnormal life, any possibility of serving higher purposes. BTG XLVIII