Great All-embracing

“And this has been foreseen and created in this manner by our COMMON CREATOR in order that when these certain parts of the GREAT ALL-EMBRACING, already spiritualized by Divine Reason, return and reblend with the great Prime Source of the All-embracing, they should compose that Whole which in the hopes of our COMMON ENDLESS UNI-BEING, may actualize the sense and the striving of all that exists in the whole of the Universe.BTG XXI

“Further, it seems Saint Buddha also told them: ” ‘You, three-centered beinbeings of the planet Earth, having the possibility of acquiring in yourselves both chief fundamental, universal, sacred laws, have the full possibility also of coating yourselves with this most sacred part of the GREAT ALL-EMBRACING of everything existing and of perfecting it by the required Divine Reason.BTG XXI

” ‘And this GREAT ALL-EMBRACING of all that is embraced, is called “Holy Prana”.’BTG XXI

“A particle of that fundamental Most Great GREAT ALL-EMBRACING, namely, the Most-Sacred-Prana, has already from the very beginning settled in every form of being of every scale, breeding on the surface of the planet, in the water, and also in the atmosphere.BTG XXI