
B147 <=> B149 [BTG XVII The Arch-absurd, p. 148]


“Mas, enquanto isso, contarei a você sobre os experimentos elucidativos relativos a essa cristalização cósmica Onipresente, nos quais estive pessoalmente presente.

“Mas devo dizer-lhes que fui testemunha ocular desses experimentos elucidativos, não no planeta Terra, que lhe agradou – nem foram seus favoritos que os fizeram -, mas no planeta Saturno, onde foram feitos por aquele ser tricerebral que, durante quase todo o período de meu exílio naquele sistema solar, foi meu verdadeiro amigo, sobre o qual prometi recentemente contar-lhe um pouco mais em detalhes.”


“But meanwhile I shall tell you about those elucidating experiments concerning this Omnipresent cosmic crystallization at which I was personally present.

“But I must tell you that I was an eyewitness of these said elucidating experiments, not on that planet Earth which has taken your fancy – nor did your favorites make them – but on the planet Saturn where they were made by that three-brained being, who during almost the whole period of my exile in that solar system was my real friend, about whom I recently promised to tell you a little more in detail.”

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