B595 <=> B597 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 596]
“After I had constated this and began specially to investigate this question there, I finally elucidated that this dual individuality obtained in their common presences, chiefly owing to a noncorrespondence between what is called the ‘tempo-of-the-place-of-their-arising-and-existence’ and the ‘form-of-their-being-mentation.’
“In my opinion, my boy, you will very well understand this particularly sharp ‘duality-of-the-beings’ of this large community, if I repeat to you word for word the opinion about them of our esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin which he gave me personally.
“It is necessary for me to tell you that during the second half of this last sojourn of mine among your favorites, I happened more than once to meet that terrestrial uniquely wise Mullah Nassr Eddin and to have personal ‘exchange of opinion’ with him on various, as it is said there, ‘life questions.’
“This personal meeting of mine with him, in the course of which he, with a wise saying of his, defined the real essence of the beings of that large community there, took place on one of the parts of the surface of your planet called ‘Persia’ in a locality named ‘Ispahan,’ where I happened to be for my investigations concerning the Most Saintly Activities of Ashiata Shiemash, and also for clearing up on the spot that question I needed of just how there arose for the first time the form of their so-called ‘politeness,’ now everywhere existing there and also maleficent for them.
“Even before my arrival in Ispahan, I already knew that the esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin had left for the town ‘Talaialtnikoom’ to stay with the stepson of the eldest daughter of his godfather.
“After I had arrived in this latter town, I immediately sought him out and the whole time I was there often visited him and, sitting on the roof, as was the custom in this country, we would chat together about every kind of what are called there ‘subtle-philosophic-questions.’