B1111 <=> B1113 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1112]
“The need for these special buildings was again understood and they were actualized by a very sensible Hebrew king named Solomon.
“And that special building which this sensible Hebrew king decided first of all to construct and which still continued long afterwards among his subjects, was called ‘Tak-tschan-nan.’
“They somewhat resembled the Gynekokhrostiny, such as had existed in Atlantis, and beings also of the female sex, were put into them, and they were obliged to remain there during the whole of their menstruation.
“The King Solomon hastened then to establish this custom because, during his wise reign, he had often constated that when beings of the female sex experienced the state of menstruation their character became for the surrounding beings, especially for their husbands, not only intolerable, but in respect of resulting ‘inconsistent relations and dealings’ with other beings like themselves, even psycho-organically harmful; and he therefore decided without delay to promulgate a severe law for his subjects according to which special isolated buildings were compulsorily constructed near every populated district in which to confine the beings of the female sex for the whole duration of their said state.
“I even chanced to read the law he promulgated.
“In this law it was said, among other things, that women during their menstruation are, in the consecrated sense, unclean; and that during these periods, for others, and especially for their husbands, not only to touch them, but to speak with them, is the highest sacrilege and a crime.