for the transformation of cosmic substances: beings-apparatuses, apparatuses–cosmoses, localizations or brains,Tetartocosmoses, three-brained
beings, presences B144 B571 B763 B774 ff B780 B784 ff
three perceptive apparatuses in the common presence of a man, acting as perceivers for all the seven planetary-gravity-center–vibrations B1217
of the Choons, Alla-attapan B832 ff
of El Koona Nassa, Arostodesokh B1019 B1021
of Gornahoor Harharkh B151 B161 B176 B1156
of Hadji-Asvatz-Troov B886 ff
of King-Too-Toz, Lav-Merz-Nokh B848 ff. B866