“‘And with this peculiar tent I am now carrying out my experiments, namely, those experiments which I call “architectural”. And these architectural experiments are now making clear to me just which interiors – and to what extent – act harmfully upon people and upon animals.BTG XLI
“‘These architectural experiments have already fully convinced me not only that the size and the general interior form of a place have indeed an enormous influence on people and animals, but also that all interior what are called “curves”, “angles”, “projections”, “breaks” in the walls, and many other things producing a change in the vibrations proceeding in the atmosphere of the place, always contribute to change for better or for worse the subjective vibrations of the people and animals there’.BTG XLI
“After these architectural experiments, he led us to still other small sections, where he also showed us many other experiments from which it could easily be seen and understood just which variously caused vibrations, and how, act upon the subjective chords of vibrations of your favorites.BTG XLI