“These scientists of new format there are of course very far from apprehending that when any surplanetary formation is artificially grafted or manipulated in any such fashion it arrives in a state defined by objective science as ‘Absoizomosa’, in which it absorbs from its surrounding medium cosmic substances serviceable only for the coating of what is called its ‘automatically self-reproducing subjective presence’. BTG XLII
automatically self-reproducing subjective presence
Outras páginas do capítulo
- Most Great common-cosmic Iraniranumange
- Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great Great All-embracing
- Most Great Greatness
- Most Great Labors
- Most Great Omnicosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Holy Individuals
- Most Holy Prime Source
- Most Holy Sun Absolute