
B1047 <=> B1049 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 1048]

“This particularity of their mentation – very complicated for any ‘logical analysis’ undertaken for the purpose of understanding it – engendering in them this false conviction, was during the whole of my observation of them, beginning with the end of the existence of the continent Atlantis, always, so to say, the ‘gravity center cause’ of almost all the more or less major events unfavorable for them in the process of their collective existence.

“Thanks to this false conviction, the result of their strange mentation, and in addition, thanks to the effect on the totality of the functioning of their feelings, of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer which inevitably arise in their presences at responsible age and which are called ‘envy,’ ‘greed,’ and ‘jealousy,’ it always happens there, that when the beings of any grouping become the possessors of anything which in the given period is considered desirable, in most cases because of that maleficent practice fixed in their everyday existence, which they express by the words ‘not to cease progressing,’ there immediately arises in the common presences of all the beings of other groupings, on whatever continents they may breed, as soon as the rumor of this reaches them, the desire to have the same, and from that moment, there arises in each of them firstly, the need to imitate them, and secondly, the ‘indubitable certainty’ that the beings of this other grouping must exist very correctly, since they have been able to acquire just what in the given period is accounted desirable.

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