B1082 <=> B1084 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1083]
“And as regards the beings of the second of the enumerated states, that is, those who also after a certain transformation of their psyche are called by other beings plutocrats, then to the beings thus called, those of the intelligentsics there are promoted who previously, during the period of their responsible existence, were able very artistically to get all the honest, that is ‘naive,’ fellow countrymen of theirs they came across, into their toils, thanks to which they become the owners of a great quantity of what is called there ‘money’ and ‘slaves.’
“Here, bear in mind that it is just from these terrestrial types that most Hasnamuss–individuals arise.
“When I was there during my investigations of the questions which interested me, I chanced to learn the secret of the origin of this word plutocrat.
“As I have already told you, during the last twenty-five centuries there every suspicious notion and every suspicious thing has for some reason or other been called by ancient Greek words; likewise these names, as bureaucrats, aristocrats, democrats, and so on, which express in themselves suspicious notions, are also composed of two ancient Greek words.
“For instance, the word bureaucrat consists of two words: ‘buro’ which means ‘chancellery’ and ‘crat’ which means ‘to keep’ or ‘to hold.’
“And both of these words together mean: ‘those . . . who manage or keep the whole chancellery.’
“And as regards the word plutocrat, it seems that the history of its origin is somewhat different and does not go very far back.
“This word was formed only seven or eight of their centuries ago.