B1092 <=> B1094 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1093]
“And thirdly, there entered into the fundamental program of this society finally to bring about the organization in the center of Asia, namely, in the city Margelan, the capital of what was called the ‘Ferghanian Khanate,’ of a chief and basic government for all the countries of Asia under the name of ‘The-Council-of-the-Elders,’ the members of which had to be honorable beings from all the Asiatic communities.
“It had to be so named because only the oldest and most deservedly honorable beings could participate in it.
“According to their understanding only such beings of their planet are able to be impartial and just toward other beings of the Earth, irrespective of to what religion or nationality they belong.
“Among the members of this society then in the city Mosulopolis, there were already beings belonging to almost all the Asiatic communities.
“Among them were also those called ‘Mongols,’ ‘Arabs,’ ‘Kirghizes,’ and ‘Georgians,’ ‘Little Russians,’ and ‘Tamils,’ and even the personal representative of the then famous conqueror Tamarlane.
“Thanks to their intensive and indeed impartial and unselfish activities, these increasing wars and civil wars on the continent Asia began to diminish, and it was anticipated that many other good things might still be done for this same end.
“But something just then happened which began the breakup also of this society of effective men-beings of that unparalleled planet.