B1114 <=> B1116 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1115]
“’Oh, you unfortunate creature! Your mother must have sung an Armenian ballad while you were being born.’
“Even the interpreter of Russian wisdom, Kusma Proutkoff, has good sayings for such a case:
“’The unluckiest among us is the fir cone, because every Makkar stumbles over it.’
“I repeat, this unfortunate Nature of the planet Earth must continuously and without respite adapt Herself to manifest always otherwise, and yet again otherwise, so as to remain within the common-cosmic harmony.
“In order that you may represent to yourself and understand well in what way unfortunate Nature there so adapts Herself that there should be attained what is called the ‘equilibrium of vibrations,’ required from this planet for the common-cosmic harmony, I shall explain to you only about one fact which is just now being actualized there, that is to say, subsequent to that process of theirs which they called the ‘World War.’
“It was plainly owing to the fact that during the said process, what is called ‘poison gas’ was invented by beings called ‘Germans,’ and what are called special ‘rapid-fire machine guns’ by beings called ‘Englishmen,’ that the amount of Rascooarnos or deaths unforeseen by Nature took place on this occasion and in a far greater quantity than was then required by Her, or, as the candidates for Hasnamuss there, namely, the commercial businessmen, would say, ‘overproduction’ occurred in respect of the deaths of the three-brained beings required there.
“In consequence, Nature there had again to begin from that moment to ‘puff and blow,’ and, as is said there, ‘jump out of Her skin’ in order to correct this unforeseeingness and adapt Herself once again in a corresponding manner.
“This time, from what I myself learned for certain during my last stay there, and also from the intimation communicated to me by etherogram, Great Nature there is evidently about to increase, for future times, the birth rate of other forms of beings there.