
B1119 <=> B1121 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1120]

“And so . . . I have already once told you that when I descended for the fifth time on to the surface of this planet of yours, I remained on it a short time and soon returned home to the planet Mars.

“This happened then because my friends notified me from the Center that in the near future there would appear on the planet Mars one of the Cherubim near to our ALL-EMBRACING ENDLESSNESS, who had some command or other concerning me.

“After my sojourn on the planet Mars, the said Cherub did indeed soon make his appearance, and the command given him from Above concerning me was this, that owing to my conscious labors for the attainment of results for the purpose of common-cosmic welfare, that is to say, owing to the fact that I had attained on your planet the abolition of the practice of ‘sacrificial offerings’ among the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, and also owing to the personal petition of His Conformity the Angel Looisos before our COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS, my punishment for my personal transgression was reduced in this respect that thenceforward it should no longer affect my posterity.

“So it was just from then on that my children, that is your father and your uncle Tooilan, could already, whenever they wished, at their own desire, return to the Center, and there discharge their appropriate obligations to the innumerable actualizations of our universal father.

“After this great event for our family, my children indeed soon left the planet Mars and returned to the Center, where on their arrival, being already great sages in certain spheres of objective knowledge and good actualizers of its laws in practical application, they were soon appointed to appropriate responsible duties.

“Your father, as I have already told you, was immediately assigned to the post of ‘Zirlikner’ on one of the parts of the surface of our dear Karatas, in which post he gradually became worthy of obtaining the responsibility of chief Zirlikner over all the three-brained beings breeding on our planet, which post he still retains.

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