B1153 <=> B1155 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1154]
“Though the newcomer had exactly the same exterior as his ‘producer’ he had the appearance of being very virile and full of fiery youth.
“When he had taken his place on his perch, as is proper to the three-brained beings of that planet, he began, as is usual to them, to welcome me in an ‘angelically musical voice’ with kind and self-satisfying wishes of being-feeling.
“And in conclusion he said, with a certain pathos:
“’Although you are only my “Kesdjanian father,” yet, in view of the fact that during my “Hirr-Hirr” you assuredly fulfilled with the feeling of full and thorough cognizance the divine obligations taken upon yourself in respect of me, there have been crystallized in my common presence in respect of you data equivalent to those which should be in the common presence of each three-brained being in respect of his own producer, and it is, without doubt, just because of this that I very often remember you and each time in my thoughts I wish for you such ensuing circumstances at all times as can lead in general to, in the objective sense, a good and happy future.’
“You probably, my boy, did not understand what I meant when I told you that Gornahoor Rakhoorkh took his place on his perch.
“The point is that the three-brained beings of this planet according to their outer coating gradually acquire the habit of resting only in that posture, when after having stooped in a special way they let the whole weight of their planetary body rest on their lower extremities, and for these means of resting it gradually became necessary for them to be at a certain height; hence it is that the three-brained beings there have established the practice of fixing at a certain height, in the rooms where they exist, special sticks for resting, which they call perches.