
B1165 <=> B1167 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1166]

“And now, my boy, in order that what I am saying at this moment should become still more comprehensible to you, I find it necessary to repeat in another and more definite form about the difference already mentioned by me many times for different motives, between what are called ‘knowledge’ and ‘understanding’ present in three-brained beings in general.

“In order that this difference should stand out more clearly, I shall again take as an example the ordinary Reason of your favorites.

“If one makes an analogy between this as they themselves call it ‘conscious Reason’ of theirs which is completely fixed in contemporary beings, and that Reason of three-brained beings in general who breed on other planets of our Great Megalocosmos, then the former which they have in them might be called the ‘Reason-of-knowing’ and the latter the ‘Reason-of-understanding.’

“The conscious Reason-of-understanding, which in general it is proper for three-brained beings to have, is a ‘something’ which blends with their common presence, and therefore information of every kind perceived with this Reason becomes forever their inseparable part.

“The information perceived with this Reason, or results obtained thanks to being-contemplation of the totality of formerly perceived information – however a being himself may change and whatever changes may proceed in the spheres around him – will be forever a part of his essence.

“And as for that Reason which for most of your contemporary favorites has become habitual and which I called the Reason-of-knowing, every kind of new impression perceived through this Reason, and likewise every kind of intentionally or simply automatically obtained result from formerly perceived impressions is only a temporary part of the being, and might result in them exclusively only in certain surrounding circumstances, and on the definite condition that the information which constitutes all his foundation and entirety should without fail be from time to time so to say ‘freshened’ or ‘repeated’; otherwise these formerly perceived impressions change of themselves, or even entirely, so to say, ‘evaporate’ out of the common presence of the three-brained being.

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