B1170 <=> B1172 [BTG XLVI Form and sequence, p. 1171]
“Nevertheless I must now briefly explain and strictly command you that as long as our journey lasts, that is to say, as long as we speak about the three-brained beings of the planet Earth, you should try with the Reason you have in your presence so to arrange that certain of those functions which flow in you and which in general give three-brained beings the possibility of active mentation, should remain inactive, or as is said, should ‘rest’; that is to say, those functions should rest in you which during this time participated more intensively than usual in your active mentation, the functionings of which do not depend on the essence of beings but depend exclusively on what is called the ‘harmony of the common-cosmic tempo.’
“By the way, you should always remember that the Reason of any being and the intensity of the action of this Reason depend on the correct functioning of all the separate parts of his whole presence.
“For instance, all the functionings of the ‘planetary body’ and the body itself are the chief parts of a being, but the separate functionings as well as the whole of this body itself without other of the spiritualized parts of the being are only a dependent cosmic formation, conscious of nothing, and therefore, on the basis of what you once called the ‘common universal pillar of Justice,’ each spiritualized part of a being must always be just towards this dependent and unconscious part and not require of it more than it is able to give.
“Just as everything else in the Megalocosmos, in order that the ‘planetary body of a being’ may correctly serve its chief part, that is to say, in order that this auxiliary part of the whole being should properly serve his essence itself, this essence must always be just and make demands on it only according to its inherent possibilities.