
B1180 <=> B1182 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1181]

When they had taken their places they sat down, this time not with the unconstraint they had formerly shown.

Then Beelzebub, turning to Hassein, said, “First of all, my boy, I give you my word that when we return home – unless any event from external causes independent of our Essence will prevent this – I shall explain to you everything relating to the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, concerning that which during this journey of ours on the ship Karnak I promised to explain, but which I have for some reason or other left unexplained.

“But meanwhile, if you have any question in mind that now needs explanation, ask.

“I warn you, however, that we have not enough time to reply in the manner that has become proper to our talks during all this time and hence try to formulate your question in such a way that my answer also may be brief.

“By such a question you can even, apropos, once more show me to what extent your logical mentation has increased during my tales concerning the strange psyche of the three-centered beings arising and existing on the planet Earth.”

At this proposal of his grandfather, Hassein deeply thought rather a long time, and then, in an exalted mood, spoke as follows:

Sacred Podkoolad and fundamental cause of the cause of my arising!

“Since the solemnity which has just taken place, when Your Sacred Essence became coated with a corresponding visible exterior and when thereby the whole of its significance which cannot be perceived nor understood by all three-brained beings became clear and even sensible to me as well as to every other cosmic unit, save Yourself, every word spoken by You and every counsel of Yours is taken by me as law.

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