
B1189 <=> B1191 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1190]

The second of the four personalities, functioning in most cases independently of the first, consists of the sum of the results of the data deposited and fixed, which have been perceived by the common presence of every animal through its six organs called “receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-vibrations,” which organs function in accordance with newly perceived impressions and the sensitiveness of which depends upon transmitted heredity and on the conditions of the preparatory formation of the given individual for responsible existence.

The third independent part of the whole being is the prime functioning of this organism as well as what are called the “motor-reflex-reciprocally-affecting-manifestations-proceeding-in-it,” and the quality of these manifestations also depends on those aforesaid results of heredity and of the circumstances during his preparatory formation.

And the fourth, which should also be a separate part of the whole individual, is none other than the manifestation of the totality of the results of the already automatized functioning of all the three enumerated personalities separately formed and independently educated in him, that is to say, it is that part which is called, in a being, “I.”

In the common presence of a man, and for the spiritualization and manifestation of each of the enumerated three separately formed parts of his entire whole, there is an independent, as it is called, “gravity-centerlocalization”; and each of these gravity-centerlocalizations, each with its own entire system, has, for its general actualization, its own peculiarities and predispositions inherent in it alone. In consequence of this, in order to make possible the rounded perfecting of a man, a special corresponding correct education is indispensably necessary for each of these three parts, and not such a treatment as is given nowadays and also called “education.”

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