B226 <=> B228 [BTG XXI First visit to India, p. 227]
Chapter XXI The First Visit of Beelzebub to India
BELZEBU continuou a falar da seguinte forma:
“Sentado em um Chaihana nesta pequena cidade de Arguenia, certa vez ouvi uma conversa entre vários seres sentados não muito longe de mim.
“Eles estavam conversando e decidindo quando e como deveriam ir de caravana para a Terra-das-Pérolas.
Depois de ouvir a conversa, percebi que pretendiam ir para lá com o propósito de trocar suas “turquesas” pelo que é chamado de “pérolas”.
“A propósito, devo chamar sua atenção para o fato de que suas favoritas de épocas passadas e contemporâneas gostavam e ainda gostam de usar pérolas e também a referida turquesa, bem como muitas outras coisas que são chamadas de ‘bugigangas preciosas’ com o propósito, como dizem, de ‘adornar’ seu exterior. Mas se você quiser saber minha opinião, é claro que fazem isso instintivamente, para compensar, por assim dizer, o ‘valor-de-sua-insignificância-interior’.
“Naquela época a que se refere meu relato, as ditas pérolas eram muito raras entre os seres do segundo grupo asiático e tinham um alto preço entre eles. Mas no país Terra-das-Pérolas havia ao mesmo tempo um grande número dessas pérolas, e lá, ao contrário, elas eram muito baratas, porque as pérolas naquela época eram obtidas exclusivamente nos espaços aquáticos ao redor daquele país.
“A conversa mencionada dos seres que estavam sentados perto de mim no Chaihana, na pequena cidade de Arguenia, interessou-me imediatamente, porque naquela época eu já tinha a intenção de ir à mesma Terra-das-Pérolas onde os seres tricerebrais do continente Ashhark do terceiro grupo se reproduziam.
BEELZEBUB continued to speak as follows:
“Sitting in a Chaihana in this small town of Arguenia, I once overheard a conversation among several beings seated not far from me.
“They were talking and deciding when and how they should go by caravan to Pearl-land.
“Having listened to their conversation, I gathered that they intended to go there for the purpose of exchanging their ‘turquoises’ for what are called ‘pearls.’
“I must here, by the way, draw your attention also to the fact that your favorites of former as well as of contemporary epochs liked and still like to wear pearls and also the said turquoise, as well as many other what are called ‘precious-trinkets’ for the purpose, as they say, of ‘adorning’ their exteriors. But if you would like to know my opinion, they do so of course, instinctively, in order to offset, so to say, the ‘value-of-their-inner-insignificance.’
“At that period to which my present tale refers, the said pearls were very rare among the beings of the second Asiatic group and commanded a high price among them. But in the country Pearl-land there was at the same time a great number of these pearls, and there, on the contrary, they were very cheap, because pearls at that time were exclusively obtained only from the water-spaces surrounding that country.
“The mentioned conversation of the beings who sat near me in the Chaihana in the small town Arguenia then immediately interested me, because at that time I already had the intention of going to that same Pearl-land where the three-brained beings of the continent Ashhark of the third group bred.