B349 <=> B351 [BTG XXV Ashiata Shiemash, p. 350]
“In former times there on the planet Earth, this word was always used in one sense only; and the three-brained beings there who were called initiates were those who had acquired in their presences almost equal objective data which could be sensed by other beings.
“But during the last two centuries this word has come to be used there now in two senses:
“In one sense it is used for the same purpose as before, that is to say, those beings there are so named who became initiates thanks to their personal conscious labors and intentional sufferings; and thereby as I have already told you, they acquire in themselves objective merits which can be sensed by other beings irrespective of brain–system, and which also evoke in others trust and respect.
“In the other sense, those beings call each other by this name who belong to those what are called there ‘criminal gangs’ which in the said period have greatly multiplied there and whose members have as their chief aim to ‘steal’ from those around them only ‘essence-values.’
“Under the pretence of following ‘supernatural’ or ‘mystic’ sciences, these criminal gangs there are really occupied, and very successfully, with this kind of plunder.
“And so, any and every genuine member of such a gang there is called an initiate.
“There are even ‘great-initiates’ among these terrestrial initiates, and these great-initiates especially at the present time, are made out of those ordinary initiates of new formation, who in their ‘virtuoso-affairs’ pass as is said there, through ‘fire-water-copper-pipes-and-even-through-all-the-roulette-halls-of-Monte-Carlo.’
“Well then, my boy, Legominism is the name given to the successive transmission of information about long-past events which have occurred on the planet Earth from initiates to initiates of the first kind, that is from really meritorious beings, who have themselves received their information from similar meritorious beings.