B41 <=> B43 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 42]
But do you know what, reader?
In case you decide, despite this Warning, to risk continuing to familiarize yourself with my further writings, and you try to absorb them always with an impulse of impartiality and to understand the very essence of the questions I have decided to elucidate, and in view also of the particularity inherent in the human psyche, that there can be no opposition to the perception of good only exclusively when so to say a “contact of mutual frankness and confidence” is established, I now still wish to make a sincere confession to you about the associations arisen within me which as a result have precipitated in the corresponding sphere of my consciousness the data which have prompted the whole of my individuality to select as the chief hero for my writings just such an individual as is presented before your inner eyes by this same Mr. Beelzebub.
This I did, not without cunning. My cunning lies simply in the logical supposition that if I show him this attention he infallibly – as I already cannot doubt any more – has to show himself grateful and help me by all means in his command in my intended writings.
Although Mr. Beelzebub is made, as is said, “of a different grain,” yet, since He also can think, and, what is most important, has – as I long ago learned, thanks to the treatise of the famous Catholic monk, Brother Foolon – a curly tail, then I, being thoroughly convinced from experience that curls are never natural but can be obtained only from various intentional manipulations, conclude, according to the “sane-logic” of hieromancy formed in my consciousness from reading books, that Mr. Beelzebub also must possess a good share of vanity, and will therefore find it extremely inconvenient not to help one who is going to advertise His name.