
B532 <=> B534 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 533]

“The fundamental purpose of these representatives of the contemporary ‘important’ communities who assembled together was to select one of the languages already existing there and to make it common for the whole planet.

“However, as usual, nothing resulted either from this really sensible intention of theirs, owing as ever, of course, to those same usual dissensions of theirs, thanks to which all their promising beginnings always fall through.

“In my opinion you will find it useful if I tell you a little more in detail why, in the given case, these said ‘dissensions’ of theirs occurred, as this will be a very characteristic example of all the ‘dissensions’ in general arising among them.

“At the outset, these said representatives of the contemporary solid communities, why I don’t know, fixed their choice of a common planetary language on one of the three following languages existing at present, called: ‘Ancient Greek,’ ‘Latin,’ and . . . the language newly composed by the contemporary beings, ‘Esperanto.’

“The first of the said three languages was the one which was worked up and which served for the ‘spoken relations’ of the beings of that ancient community there, which, as I have already told you, arose from a small group of Asiatic fishermen and which group later became a solid community, the beings of which were during a long period specialists there in the ‘invention of sciences.’

“From the beings of this community, that is from these said ancient Greeks, not only many different sciences but likewise their language reached contemporary beings.

“But the second language which they proposed to make a common planetary language, namely, ‘Latin,’ was the language spoken by the beings of that ancient solid community formed, as I have also told you, from a small group of Asiatic shepherds, whose descendants were later the cause of the fact that in the presences of all the beings there of subsequent generations there was gradually formed and ultimately in the contemporary beings became already definitely fixed and obligatorily inherent in them, that perverted function thanks to which all impulses arising in them, in the sense of striving for evolution, are already automatically paralyzed at their very roots, and which they themselves call ‘sexuality.’

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