B541 <=> B543 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 542]
“Among the number of such means for getting rid of the said illnesses, there are chiefly various remedies existing under the name of ‘medicines.’
“Well, when one of the contemporary beings becomes a responsible professional, and when other beings needing his help apply to him for this help, he uses or prescribes just these mentioned remedies.
“Here it will be very useful for the development of your reason, if to your common presence is added a ‘logicnestarian-implantation’ from information concerning one particular very peculiar property which is acquired in the psyche of these contemporary professionals of the planet Earth.
“This peculiar psychic property is acquired by those terrestrial professionals as soon as they receive the title of ‘qualified physician,’ and it functions constantly in them during their wish to help other beings who need their aid.
“The point is that, in their common presences, both the intensity of the desire to help and the quality itself of the help given always depend exclusively on the smell there is in the house to which he is called.
“Namely, if the house to which such a contemporary professional is called for help smells of what are called ‘English pounds,’ then in it, thanks to this smell, not only does his inner ‘being-wish’ to help the suffering being increase to the point of what is called ‘ne plus ultra,’ but even in outer manifestations his planetary body at once assumes the form of a ‘Dzedzatzshoon,’ i.e., a ‘beaten dog.’
“In the case of most contemporary physicians there even appears on their faces from this smell what are called ‘bootlicking’ expressions, and their ‘bobtail’ becomes pressed tight, almost glued, ‘between their legs.’